Community Outreach

Giving back has always been an important core value for Beyond Zebra, Inc. Since our inception, we have made it a priority to share our success and make an impact on the community.

Beyond Zebra, Inc. began its philanthropic efforts with Bret Harte Elementary School by helping to fund a much-needed library and computer lab.  BZI then went on to establish the first ever, annual scholarship fund for graduates of the Anne Douglas Center at the Los Angeles Mission; a follow up to their 12-month education and rehabilitation program, which supports homeless and displaced women. We continue our outreach with local nonprofit agencies, funding and volunteering at events for low-income families and the unhoused, focusing our efforts in the Los Angeles area.

"Whatever you choose to do, leave tracks. That means don’t do it just for yourself. You will want to leave the world a little better for your having lived."